Home Politics Investigation Reveals How Seye Famojuro, An Ijesha Indigene Dictates Who Gets What...

Investigation Reveals How Seye Famojuro, An Ijesha Indigene Dictates Who Gets What In Oyo State

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Seye Famojuro, Governor Seyi Makinde’s ally, confidant and intimate friend who originates from Ijesha, Osun State, has been allegedly described as the current de facto governor, captain and commander of pacesetter state who dictates who gets what in the state.

Makinde and Seye Famojuro were said to be friends whose friendship and intimacy had metamorphosed into administrative control of Oyo State, while the later, who is neither an indigene of the state nor member of Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) is found controlling and dictating who gets what in the party and Oyo State at large.

The outcome of investigation conducted by naijatodaynews.com revealed that Seye Famojuro wields a lot of influence and he is the current de facto governor who holds and controls the administrative steering of Oyo State.

An instance of his influence and dictatorship had times in the past helpful and instrumental to some notable traditional rulers in the state who needed help from the Governor but could not meet him directly but had to use Famojuro’s connection and channel to reach the Executive Governor.

Seye Famojuro was said to have been instrumental to cordial and mutual relationship that is reigning between Makinde and former Governor of Osun State, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola who has been allegedly enjoying favouritism and nepotism in form of notable contracts and monetary gratifications.

Further investigation revealed that Oyinlola suddenly became an errand boy to Makinde sequel to ceaseless enjoyment of goodies based on firm cordiality that was orchestrated by the de facto governor.

Not only that but also shown that many contractors within and outside the state have turned Seye Famojuro’s residence in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State to Mecca where they are being alleged of submitting their proposals to him with intention to get contracts, which attract pledge in form of compensation and other monetary gratifications in both naira and dollars.

The public office holders were said to have been trouping to his residence, an instance was the ex caretaker chairmen of some local governments in Ibadan who desired to be the elected ones in the forthcoming Local Government election that is slated to Saturday, May 22, have sought his favour and hands in the struggle.

Also, some commissioners who wish to retain the current portfolios or clinching more juicy ones are not losing sleep in meeting him to seek his favour and endorsement over the preferred positions.

The current occupants of Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Oyo State are also seeking his favour and approval in order to get many meaningful things done in their respective capacities.

On the forthcoming state congress, those who are to aspire for critical positions at the state level have been moving helter skelter for consultation and trying to know Makinde’s stance through him on the next congress and how it will be conducted.

Seye Famojuro was said to have swung into action to ensure that he convinces Makinde on how the PDP leaders, members and loyists who are complaining of being abandoned would soon be taken care of.

Much has not been heard of him as he was also instrumental to how Alhaji Lamidi Mukaila popularly known as ‘Auxiliary’, Chairman, Park Management System, Oyo State mobilsed his cohorts to the last PDP, Zonal Congress held in Osun State where Auxiliary was threatening to deal ruthlessly with Ex Governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Fayose provided he fails to play along with Makinde’s rules of engagement.

The source of investigation revealed how Seye Famojuro who is not an indigene of Oyo State remains the most powerful person in Oyo State who dictates who gets what and who directs Governor Seyi Makinde what to do.


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