The ever-changing world of the twenty-first century presents new challenges – and new opportunities – for leadership. This makes it imperative for new breed of leaders who are in touch with the existing realities of our dear country – Nigeria- to step forward and preserve the ideas, concepts and attitudes of our founding fathers to chart a new course and serve as a bridge builder between the old and the younger generation.
It is no longer news that from all indications, the North Central geopolitical zone is being favoured by many political commentators for the position of National Chairmanship of the All Progressives Congress (APC). Unsurprisingly, one name that has continued to be at the centre of discussion among his colleagues and party loyalists is Senator Sani Musa – the Chairman Senate Committee on Senate services and Senator representing Niger east.
His entrant into the Chairmanship position is particularly interesting – especially coming at a time when many keen observers and leaders are of the view that, now more than ever, the party needs a new breed of leader that can drive generational change in leadership to sustain the ideologies of President Muhammad Buhari, who many reckons as the cohesion holding the party together.
In her best-selling book “A new breed of leaders”: Sheila Murray posited that competence, accountability, openness, values, perspective, power and humility are the essential fundamental characteristic that emerging leaders must possess in this new era. She elucidated further that new breed of leaders must take advantage of the immediately usable action steps to dramatically increase success and meet modern society’s issues head-on by cultivating new insights and perspectives.
No doubt, Senator Mohammed Sani Musa fits the description of a dynamic and high-impact crop of leaders needed to drive a generational change within the APC, galvanize support across all regions to manage the strength and diverse peculiarity of Nigeria as a whole.
As a patriotic member of the ruling party, Senator Sani Musa has remained vocal in the course of discharging his legislative duties by constantly urging more support for President Muhammadu Buhari’s policies and developmental agendas to move the county forward.
In hindsight, he has never hidden his admiration and his belief in one Nigeria, his contributions to debates on national issues stand him out as the preferred candidate for the highly revered Chairmanship role of the APC.
He’s indeed a man who believes that the leadership of the Party should be in the hands of the new breed of leaders comprising a blend of both the old and the young for national cohesion.
The All Progressive Congress as the party at the centre, will benefit immensely from the wealth of experience garnered over the years by Senator Sani Musa, first as an administrator and a political colossus who is ready to carry on with the legacies bequeathed on the party by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Guided by a sense of foresight informed by experience, Senator Sani Musa has always maintained a patriotic posture of a staunch nationalist and a party man. At every given opportunity, he has strongly identified with anything that has to do with the Progressives and he has vigorously supported causes to bring about the growth of his party both at the local and national level.
As the interim leadership of the party prepares for its National convention, the APC has in Senator Musa, a 21st century leader loved by his people on account of his humility and commitment to openness. Going by antecedents, his Chairmanship of the party, God willing, will seek to preserve internal party democracy, sustain the winning streak of the party at all levels, forestall discipline and encourage women and youth inclusion in political decision making.
Ahmed K. Adio