One of Nigeria’s foremost investment companies, Agvest Limited is currently holding a media Parley in Lagos Commodities and Futures.
The event, which is currently holding at Trading Floor of has in attendance officials from the state government, partners as well as investors from within and outside Nigeria.
See photos and video of the media session:
VIDEO 1https://youtu.be/oswfSuw3yzo
VIDEO 2: https://youtu.be/sxkXi0ujUKI

Agvest is an investment company focused on proprietary investment in critical assets and infrastructure that make for efficiency in the agriculture value chain including, irrigation, mechanization, storage, post-harvest handling, intermediate processing and logistics. The rationale for the aspect of Agvest’s investment activities is its firm belief that investment in expansionist strategies such as increased input availability (fertilizer, agro-chemicals and improved seed) will not yield optimal results without a concomitant investment in efficiency.
AGVEST investments span, microfinance, fund management, farming, food processing, communication and food retail/distribution.