Home Politics APC Responsible For Bloodletting In Nigeria – PDP. *Says APC Leaders Must...

APC Responsible For Bloodletting In Nigeria – PDP. *Says APC Leaders Must Answer for Killings

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The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has accused the All Progressives Congress (APC) of being responsible for the escalated tension, indignation, violence, mass killing, kidnapping, terrorism and banditry ravaging various parts of our country.

PDP, in a statement signed by its National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Kola Ologbondiyan, wonders how APC leaders sleep at night with all the blood in  their hands, as their lust for power, body language, divisiveness as well as vindictive policies of their administration have brought acrimony and resentment among citizens while also encouraging and emboldening acts of terrorists against Nigerians.

The statement read in parts: 

Nigerians can recall that the PDP had earlier alerted that the APC had come to power with a Janjaweed agenda; to foist a reign of terror, balkanize, destabilize and raze down our beloved country for their selfish gains.

Since APC assumed office in 2015, our nation has not known peace. At every turn and on daily basis, one is confronted with gory tales of killings, bloodbath, misery and destitution, with thousands of compatriots killed and many more injured and displaced in various parts of the country.

From Kano to Cross River, Lagos to Borno, Kaduna to Imo, Kogi to Ebonyi and indeed all parts of the nation, the APC is erecting altars of violence and pushing life to Hobbes state of nature; short and brutish. 

The APC has practically balkanized our nation along all faultlines with their, hateful, ruthless and vengeful actions, resulting in dissonances and pushing compatriots to take actions in anger, in some cases, leading to death and devastations.

More distressing is that the APC leaders, as terrorism apologists, have been patronizing terrorists and opening up our nation to bandits, kidnappers and vandals, who are having a field day marauding our communities, killing and maiming our citizens on daily basis.

 It is not surprising that the APC have never forcefully condemned the activities of these marauders. Instead, they have continued to patronize terrorists and blame our slain compatriots, rather than going after their assailants, as in the case of the 43 rice farmers killed in Borno state by terrorists.

This is even as it is now common knowledge that many of these terrorists and bandits were political mercenaries which the APC imported from neighbouring countries as thugs to unleash violence against Nigerians during elections.

The sudden appearance of such hoodlums to attack Nigerians during any protest against misrule, as witnessed in the EndSARS protest as well as the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) protest in Kaduna, is quite revealing in this direction. 

There are even allegations that the APC has compromised the registration of our citizens to open the system for the inclusion of these aliens, as citizens, for heinous political reasons.

This is why APC’s political activities are always characterized by violence, bloodbath and killings, like their recent local government primaries in Lagos. 

Our party cautions the APC to stop wasting the lives of Nigerians because of their lust for power in the face of rejection. 

Let APC leaders know that even as their party fizzles out in 2023, they must answer for the violence and bloodletting that have enveloped our nation under their rule.


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