Home Features Don’t Blame Yahoo Yahoo Guys Alone By Adeola Soetan

Don’t Blame Yahoo Yahoo Guys Alone By Adeola Soetan

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Many of these yahoo yahoo guys are ambitious political leaders of tomorrow. They have learnt from rogue political leaders as their role models that to be politically powerful in Nigeria, you must be super rich enough to buy millions of quantity and quality votes.

They have known that to rent or breed army of political thugs and security agencies, buy INEC & SIEC to manipulate election results, to win or rig elections or sponsor candidates into political offices and become indisputable godfathers, you need huge war chest to oil your massive political machine.

They have seen international drug barons, credit card scammers, serial identity thieves, 419ers & senior yahoo yahoo men, fraudsters, age forgers, cultists become ex or incumbent governors, senators, reps, ministers, SSAs, PAs, SAs, local government chairmen and councilors. And they have noticed also how educated Nigerians, Christians and Muslims defend these crooked political leaders and godfathers on television, social media and fight themselves even when they know they are political bandits of no enviable past records.

Today’s yahoo guys know that many notorious yahoo yahoo alumni of yesterday are cherished political leaders of today in the executive and sitting or presiding in the parliament. The young crooks of today are fast and desperate learners who know Nigeria has no moral value to uphold or defend when it comes to primitive accumulation of wealth and stealing of public fund with impunity.

So, don’t blame Osogbo yahoo yahoo young men and women or their counterparts in other states alone without understanding the root cause and motivation for their desperation and effontery. They are a creation of our rotten value and political system.

Anyone who worships or glorifies crooked political leaders has no moral right to condemn these young yahoo fraudsters. You can’t love their role models and mentors and pretend to hate their offsprings in crime. Anyone who has sold his/her votes, has helped to buy votes, has distributed “stomach infrastructure” to garner votes, rig elections or support electoral violence in one form or the other has no moral right to condemn these young fraudsters. Political yahoo yahoo can’t condemn financial yahoo yahoo, they are same of same and two sides of the same yahoo coin.

Rafiu, the yahoo serial identity thief, SSA to Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun, who was arrested recently in the US for benefit fraud was on his way to become a member of house of reps. before his arrest. No one could have stopped the bearded fraudster from achieving his political ambition with millions of dollars in his war chest to buy votes, garner support, influence the election and pay the so-called social media influencers and popular fuji artistes /pop singers to sing his praise to heaven. And many paid Facebook militias would be out to defend any financial fraud allegation against him with the usual refrain: “Has he been convicted by any court of law?” despite his sudden wealth?

We were all living witnesses when a topmost journalist, editor, famous writer and book reviewer decided to run as a deputy governor to a wanted drug baron fugitive, a Senator, as governorship candidate. That’s how the nation rolls and moral depth it has sunk. So, why blaming yahoo yahoo boys of Osogbo alone without knowing what inspired their desperation to succeed and become political investors to capture power.

Is it not in the same country that a notorious drug addict, always a multiple rainbow colored dressed traditional king of an ancient town in Yoruba land was caught on video wrapping laced India hemp, declaring to his Canadian wife that: “I am not a yahoo guy but a 419 guy” What other role models do you want these deranged young fraudsters to emulate beyond these adult criminals?

Dont blame today’s yahoo yahoo guys alone. They are the mirrors in the sun, a nation cannot run away from its reflection, just like you cannot dispute or run away from your image you see in the mirror. Don’t just look at the effects without understanding the causes.


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