Home Features Folarin Condoles Alaafin, Family, Oyo People Over Demise of Biizinilahi, Says His...

Folarin Condoles Alaafin, Family, Oyo People Over Demise of Biizinilahi, Says His Contributions are Legendary

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The Chairman Senate Committee on Local Content and Senator representing Oyo Central Senatorial District in the red chamber, Oloye Teslim Folarin has sent a message of condolence to the Biizinilahi family, the Alaafin of Oyo and the people of the ancient town of Oyo on the passage of Alhaji AbdulWahab Yusuf Alao alias Biizinilahi.
The Oyo-born business tycoon died on Friday at the age of 95-years. .
Senator Folarin in a condolence message issued by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity – Com. YSO Olaniyi, described the death of Alhaji Biizinilahi as a monumental loss to Oyo, Oyo State and the Muslim Ummah especially Ansar-ud-Deen Society of Nigeria.
Extolling the virtues of late Biizinilahi, Oloye Folarin described the nonagenarian as a legend and man of peace whose contribution to the growth and development of Oyo town and Oyo State will be greatly missed.
The three-term senator noted that Baba Biizinilahi was a humble and dedicated senior citizen who lived a life of service to people of Oyo town and and left behind, a legacy of honour and dignity worthy of emulation by all.
“One of Baba’s legacies is the Biizinilahi business empire, which has been contributing immensely to the economy of Oyo town in the last few decades. I strongly enjoin the bereaved family to sustain the legacy” Oyo Central Senator said.
Senator Folarin prayed to Almighty Allah to Grant Alhaji Biizinilahi Aljana Fridauz and give Alaafin of Oyo, the bereaved families and the people of Oyo State the fortitude to bear the huge loss.


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