Concerned members of the Academic Staff Uniion of Universities, ASUU, Lautech chapter, had on June 16 sent the union mother’s a four prayers to in display of their displeasure in their present executives.
In their letter tagged ASUU, LAUTECH : ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE, they made known of how the incumbent executives of the union has been so desperate in turning the union affairs to ‘a ship, a captain’, where it’s only the executives that decided the happenings of the union, without letting others men of congress know about it, which is crystal clear that’s it’s against the union’s constitution.
According to them; “Prior to the lately flagrant violation of the appendix ii, item V of ASUU constitution, 2018 as amended”. The concerned members of the chapter has therefore sent their prayers to the national body for urgent intervention.
Their prayers reads :
1) The National Executive Council should with immediate effect set up a visitation panel to LAUTECH ASUU with the mission to carry out a forensic audit of the financial records of our branch from the last ten years.
2) The imposition of just two Executives (Vice-Chairperson and Welfare Officer) slated for Wednesday 23rd June, 2021 should with immediate effect be put on hold and NEC should disband the electoral committee that was unilaterally imposed by our branch Chairman. In the interim, the NEC should set up modalities to conduct a free, fair and credible election that will be generally acceptable by the LAUTECH ASUU congressmen. (The NEC should invoke the concluding part of Appendix II, item 4 of ASUU Constitution 2018 as amended).
3) The NEC should as a matter of duty and with utmost urgency send down a powerful delegation (The National President and his team preferably) to address a congress of our branch so as to avail him first-hand information about the level of decadence in our branch.
4) The procedures for the elections of members from our branch into the national and zonal offices should be thoroughly scrutinized vis-a-vis the acceptability of the officers who purportedly represent the interest of