Home Features 7 Common Types of Vaginal Discharge and What To Do if You...

7 Common Types of Vaginal Discharge and What To Do if You Have Any

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1. Yellowish
2. Brown
3. Green
4. Pink
5. Thin white
6. Thick white
7. Creamy grey

Yellowish vaginal discharge with or without a smell, may be a sign of;

– bacterial infection, or
– sexually transmitted infection (STI), like Trichomoniasis

If you have this discharge, don’t waste further time. See your health care provider for evaluation & treatment.

Brown vaginal discharge may be due to;

– irregular menstrual cycles
– uterine cancer, or
– cervical cancer

In fact, brown discharge in a woman after menopause is often an early sign of cancer of the uterus.

It’s a sign you shouldn’t joke about. See your doctor if you have it.

Greenish vaginal discharge may point to the presence of;

– bacterial infection, or
– STI, such as Chlamydia

So people having greenish vaginal discharge should see their doctor for tests & possible commencement of antibiotics.

Pink vaginal discharge occurs in vaginal irritation, bleeding from the cervix, or after implantation.

It’s occasionally due to STI’s like gonorrhea or chlamydia & may be accompanied by bleeding during sex.

You should also see a doctor if you have a pink vaginal discharge.

Thin white discharge may be normal or abnormal.

If it is CLEAR & mild it’s usually normal e.g. during pregnancy, ovulation, & around your period.

But gonorrhea can increase the volume of clear discharge or turn it mucopurulent, with additional abdominal or pelvic pain.

Thick white, curdy or cheese-like discharge that feels like thick yogurt, is often due to yeast infection or candida.

9 in 10 women have this infection at some point in their life.

It may come with itching, redness, irritation, excoriation or burning sensation in your vagina
You can treat your yeast infection with antifungal creams.

But if the symptoms don’t improve or occur four or more times in a year, see your doctor.

Also, there’s currently no evidence in support of treating the male partner who is not showing symptoms.

Finally, a creamy greyish-white vaginal discharge that sticks to the wall of your vagina & has a horrible odour, is usually caused by Bacterial vaginosis.

You might see this more during or following your menses.

If you have it, see a doctor to prescribe antibiotics for you.

So, if you have vaginal discharge, see a doctor when you notice:

1. Unusual odour, colour or consistency
2. Itching, burning or redness
3. Pelvic or abdominal pain
4. Blood in the discharge (not related to your period)
5. The discharge worsens after a week.

As a woman you’ll have a vaginal discharge at some point in your life.

You really need to know which discharge is normal & which is not.

This can help you easily understand when there’s a problem so you handle it early before it gets out of hand.

Every woman on your TL needs to see this so spread this message far & wide.

I remain your First Doctor (@firstdoctorr). Hit my follow button to learn more about your health.


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